
Friday, May 18, 2007

Forex Trading Guide- How to deal with Forex Trading

Buying and selling of different currencies of the world is known as forex trading. Forex or foreign exchange market is the largest trading market in the world. Forex trading market deals with more than US$2 trillion everyday. It has become favorite option for currency traders. Foreign exchange market is extremely different from stock exchange market. Currency trading is always done in pairs like USD/EUR or USD/GBP etc. Forex trading market works 24 hours a day.

Several investors and traders are joining forex trading every day. First time investors should keep in mind that forex trading works on certain principles. They should remember that it is an investment not an income. Currency can fluctuate at any time so right time investment is the best investment in forex trading. You should have another source of income while dealing in forex trading. If you are a first time investor don’t believe in demo trading because it can be dangerous in long run. After getting all information about broker’s system you can start forex trading with small amounts. You should always invest that amount for which you can bear profit or loss.

Sometimes forex trading is a risky business but the trader can reduce the risk by following best trading strategy. Trader should know the right time to enter and exit the market. Forex trading is an easy and simple trading business. You can do forex trading while sitting in your home. It requires a PC with Internet connection and a bit of time. You can perform all the transactions online with a small fee and the best thing of forex trading is that you don’t have to pay large amounts to professional. Forex trading market offers a large number of online options for currency trading. Before joining it you’ve to search for the best option to achieve your goals.

Beginners can use forex trading software programs to track and analyze market conditions. These programs will help you in finding the best investment opportunities. Forex trading software enables you to make right decisions about investments. Beginners shouldn’t try to predict the forex trading markets because currency fluctuation may occur anytime. You can handle forex trading by using trading system and money management strategy.

Don’t be emotional in forex trading. You should behave like a businessman that can efficiently test the market data. Testing system and best money management strategy lets you to invest your capital in the best way. While paying minor attention to the ups and downs of the forex trading market you can easily maximize your profits. You can make profitable trades by focusing on the hours when market generally makes their biggest moves.

With some research, a lot of skill and a bit of luck you can enjoy forex-trading market completely. You’ve to be smart at the time of making choices and taking risks. The trading process is so simple and can be done with a small amount. You don’t have to wait for the opening and closing of stock market because it works for twenty-four hours. Several trading companies are providing free information online. You can search for required information before making any decisions. Some companies also offer free trail periods; you can also check it out.

About The Author :

Gagandeep Dhaliwal owns a website on Forex Trading The website provides information about forex trading and how to join forex trading market. Get more information at his site

Why Trade the FOREX?

My purpose for writing this article is to demonstrate to you the advantages of trading on the FOREX market. However, there is one myth that I want to dispel before I go further. The myth is that there is a difference between trading and investing. To dispel that myth I quote from Al Thomas, President of Williamsburg Investment Company, who wrote “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It”. He said “Everyone who invests is a trader, only the time period is different.” It is a lesson that I took seriously after taking a beating in the stock market in 2000.

So now, let’s compare features of currency trading to those of stock and commodity trading.

Liquidity - The FOREX market is the most liquid financial market in the world around 1.9 trillion dollars traded everyday. The commodities market trades around 440 billion dollars a day, and the US stock market trades around 200 billion dollars a day. This ensures better trade execution and prevents market manipulation. It also ensures easily executable trading.

Trading Times – The FOREX market is open 24 hours a day (except weekends) which means that in the US it opens at 3:00 pm Sunday (EST) and closes Friday at 5:00 (EST), allowing active traders to choose the times they want to trade. Commodities trading hours are all over the board depending on which commodity you are trading. Including extended trading times US stocks can be traded from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm (ET) on weekdays.

Leverage – Depending on your FOREX account size, your leverage may be 100:1, although there are FOREX brokers that offer leverage of up to 400:1 (not that I would ever recommend that kind of leverage). Leverage in the stock market can be as high as 4:1, and in the commodities market, leverage varies with the commodity traded but it can be quite high. Because the commodity markets are not as liquid as the FOREX market, its leverage is inherently riskier. Although I was never shut out of a commodity trade by the day limit, the fear was always in the back of my mind.

Trading costs – Transaction costs in the FOREX market is the difference between the buy and sell price of each currency pair. There are no brokerage fees. For both the stock and the commodity markets, there are transaction costs and brokerage fees. Even when you use discount brokers, those fees add up.

Minimum investment – You can open a FOREX trading account for as little as $300.00. It took $5,000 for me to open my futures trading account.

Focus – 85% of all trading transactions are made on 7 major currencies. In the US stock market alone there are 40,000 stocks. There are just over 200 commodity markets, although quite a few are so illiquid that they are not traded except by hedgers. As you can see, the fewer number of instruments allows us to study each one more closely.

Trade execution – In the FOREX market, trade execution is almost instantaneous. In both the equity and commodity markets, you count on a broker to execute your trades and their results are sometimes inconsistent.

While all of these features make trading the FOREX market very attractive, it still requires a lot of education, discipline, commitment and patience. All trading can be risky.

About The Author:

Dr Susan Walker has been an environmental consultant for more than 20 years and has dabbled in trading for longer than she cares to remember.
Please visit me at and I will give you, absolutely free, a copy of the great little e-book, “FOREX FREEDOM”.

Real Forex Traders Learn to Like Losses

As a forex trader you have to learn how to take losses. Period. Don't be a crybaby. Learn how to take losses.

Learning how to take losses is one of the most important lessons you must learn if you want to survive as a trader. Nobody is 100% right all the time.

Losses are inevitable. Even Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods lose sometimes and they're considered the best in their field.

There will be trading streaks where you'll have a number of successful consecutive trades, but that will eventually come to an end you will take a loss.

As that point it’s very important not to lose your head, you must remain in control of yourself. Don't have a cow man.

Take a break. Calm down and relax. Take a chill pill dude.

Until you've regained a clear mind and an ability to think logically again, stay out of the market.

Don’t whine about your loss and never carry a prejudice against a loss.

The key to manage losses is to cut them quickly before a small loss becomes a large one.

I repeat. The key to manage losses is to cut them quickly before a small loss becomes a large one.

Never ever think that you will never lose. That's just ludicrous. Losses are just like profits, it’s all part of the trader’s universe.

Losses are unavoidable. Get over the loss and move on to the next trade.

About The Author:

Scottie Pippin is a senior professor at's School of Pipsology. is a funny and easy-to-understand online guide on how to teach beginners how to make money trading forex

Investing in Forex

Investing in foreign currencies is a relatively new avenue of investing. There are considerably fewer people are aware of this market than there are people aware of several other avenues of investing. Trading foreign currency, also known as forex, is the most lucrative investment market that exists. There are several factors that make this true among which, successful forex traders earn realistic profits of one hundred plus percent each month. Compared to some of the better known investment markets such as corporate stocks, this is an unheard of return on investment. It's very necessary to mention here that a person who invests in forex must, without exception, make it a point to learn the detailed, but simple strategies and information surrounding the market. This very fact is what makes the difference between successful forex traders and other traders.

A few additional points, which create such powerful leverage for investors within the forex market are: The amount of capital required to begin investing in the market is only three hundred dollars. For the most part, any other investment market is going to demand thousands of dollars of the investor in the beginning. Also, the market offers opportunities to profit regardless what the direction of the market may be; In most commonly known markets investors sit and wait for the market to begin an up trend before entering a trade. Even then, investors, as a rule must sit and wait some more to be able to exit the trade with a nice profit. Given that the forex market produces several up, down, and sideways trends in a single day, it can easily be seen that forex stands head and shoulders above other markets. Additionally there are trading strategies, which are taught that provide for compounded profits; these are profits on top of profits. In addition, free demo accounts are available within the industry of forex trading, which facilitate the sharpening of skills without the risk losing any capital. And the advantage regarding the time factor in trading foreign currency is a very attractive point for any investor. Compared to one of the most sought after avenues of investing, which often requires forty or more hours each week, namely in the real-estate market, the forex market requires a much smaller demand on the investor's time. Forex trading requires approximately ten to fifteen hours each week to earn a full time income. It's easy to see that the advantages and great leverage that exist in the forex market, make it among the most lucrative, time liberating, and easy to enter by far.

I hope this information gives you a clear understanding of how you can turn your investing into a true method of making your money work harder for you.


Joe Clinton.

About The Author :

Hi. I'm Joe Clinton. I enjoy helping others learn valuable information that I've learned over the years.
To learn more about this incredible market and how you can position yourself among the most successful investors in the world visit Don't forget to sign up for the free report "Forex Freedom" and get a foundation in forex lessons.

Advantages of the Forex Market

What are the advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments?

When thinking about various investments, there is one investment vehicle that comes to mind. The Forex or Foreign Currency Market has many advantages over other types of investments. The Forex market is open 24 hrs a day, unlike the regular stock markets. Most investments require a substantial amount of capital before you can take advantage of an investment opportunity. To trade Forex, you only need a small amount of capital. Anyone can enter the market with as little as $300 USD to trade a “mini account”, which allows you to trade lots of 10,000 units. One lot of 10,000 units of currency is equal to 1 contract. Each “pip” or move up or down in the currency pair is worth a $1 gain or loss, depending on which side of the market you are on. A standard account gives you control over 100,000 units of currency and a pip is worth $10.

The Forex market is also very liquid. When trading Forex you have full control of your capital.

Many other types of investments require holding your money up for long periods of time. This is a disadvantage because if you need to use the capital it can be difficult to access to it without taking a huge loss. Also, with a small amount of money, you can control

Forex traders can be profitable in bullish or bearish market conditions. Stock market traders need stock prices to rise in order to take a profit. Forex traders can make a profit during up trends and downtrends. Forex Trading can be risky, but with having the ability to have a good system to follow, good money management skills, and possessing self discipline, Forex trading can be a relatively low risk investment.

The Forex market can be traded anytime, anywhere. As long as you have access to a computer, you have the ability to trade the Forex market. An important thing to remember is before jumping into trading currencies, is it wise to practice with “paper money”, or “fake money.” Most brokers have demo accounts where you can download their trading station and practice real time with fake money. While this is no guarantee of your performance with real money, practicing can give you a huge advantage to become better prepared when you trade with your real, hard earned money. There are also many Forex courses on the internet, just be careful when choosing which ones to purchase.

About The Author :

Heather Redmond has been learning, investing and internet marketing. Visit her site for an amazing Free Ebook at:

Forex Broker

Forex brokers are going to give you all types of information and advice about where you can invest and how you can invest with foreign companies. Forex systems are not available through all types of commercial investing companies but you can find a few Forex brokers in most all areas of the world. Forex brokers are found in large commercial investing firms, in most larger banks, and now with the help of the internet you can find many Forex brokers online. Use a Forex broker if you want to learn more about how to invest, where to invest, and how much money you need to invest in a Forex system right now.

Forex brokers are going to tell you what the minimums are. In some cases, you can invest as little as five dollars to open a Forex trading account. In some areas, and for some investment companies you must invest a minimum of $200 or even $500. It is important to remember that every investment firm is different, and will have set minimums for their business to take place.

Fees through a Forex broker will be based on the amount of the transaction and the type of transaction that you are completing. Moving from fund to fund or from Forex account to another Forex account you will incur the largest types of fees, but be sure to read the fine print on the Forex broker site where you intend to do business to be sure. Forex brokers make their money on the fees they bill when helping clients move money, and put money into investments.

A Forex broker should be a person you can trust, understand, and that you feel is honest with you. A Forex broker is one that you should not receive phone calls from, urging you to put large amounts of money into an account, right now. A Forex broker will present you with information about an investment, and then allow you time to make up your own mind if you are interested in the investment or not. A pushy broker is one that could be trying to earn a commission or could be trying to scam you. Again, your Forex broker is a broker you should feel comfortable in dealing with on a daily or weekly basis, but for many people, you may only talk to your Forex broker once a month or even less than that.

Investing money is a big decision. When deciding what broker Forex advice to take, or where to seek broker Forex advice you can use the links on these pages, or you can use your local yellow pages to find a possible Forex broker in your town or city. Not many Forex brokers are located in small towns or cities but in larger areas where the population is larger and more people have a need for such Forex and investing information.

About The Author :

Kenneth Langlet is an independent writer and owner of the website where you can get more information about Forex broker.

Forex Broker Advice

Do you want to make more money? Investing money is what you should be looking to do. Investing money in Forex broker advice is going to help you build your nest egg, build your wealth and it only takes a few minutes of your times. Using Forex broker advice, you are going to be able to find an investment that will make your money grow faster than a savings account.

A Forex account is an investment in the foreign exchange market. Forex broker advice is going to be all the advice you need about how to get started, where you can invest your money, when you should start investing in Forex systems.

Following your Forex broker advice you will be able to earn interest on the money you invest. You will find it easily to build a retirement plan, and you will be investing in companies that you can research so you always know where your money is going to be used. Forex broker advice is going to be all about how much money you should invest, why you should consider Forex investing instead of stocks, and Forex broker advice is going to be based on solid business decisions that will help you learn the foreign investing world.

Your Forex broker advice is going to be the best advice you will get about the foreign markets. There are so many changes in the market every day and a broker is going to be more apt to read up and be able to tell you where you should invest, and when to pull your money to put it somewhere else. Some people do not like to listen to Forex broker advice, and will like to learn the ropes on their own. That is ok too, but you should know that it would be difficult to learn all the things that a broker can do for you in the Forex market.

To get involved with the Forex market you first want to find a broker. Not all stockbrokers are going to be brokers involved in the Forex markets. Forex broker advice will be found with those companies that deal in foreign markets, such as larger banks, larger investment companies, not many small investment companies actually deal with Forex systems, or have Forex broker advice to offer investors. Start now by reading more about where you can find a Forex systems broker, and then determine which company you want to deal with. From there, you can get involved in making a new nest egg for your family, your retirement or even both!

About The Author :

Kenneth Langlet is an independent writer and owner of the website where you can get more information about Forex broker.